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the gut health roadmap

You may be asking yourself:

"Is my body supposed to feel this way?"

You wake up with achy joints.

You get these random breakouts that leave you homebound and hesitant to go out with friends.

Your sex drive and self-confidence have plummeted,

and you have no idea why.

You're experiencing bloating after nearly every single meal.

But everyone experiences this as they age... right?

Actually, these are symptoms.

In other words: Your body's check engine light is on!

You’ve seen all the influencers promoting the latest life-changing diet fad.


You’ve already Googled the heck outta your symptoms.


You’ve even asked your doctor, only to hear "it's normal," and then given a prescription for ibuprofen or birth control.

I've been there and done that numerous times.

It made me start to wonder...

Is there a way for this to stop happening all together?

(Spoiler alert: YES, there is!)

Hi, I'm Lindsey!

I struggled with chronic bloating, constipation, food sensitivities, and fatigue for over a decade.

Despite my body's clear message that something was wrong, doctors told it was just IBS and gave me a handful of pills.

I felt so frustrated and defeated.

Thankfully, everything changed once I found holistic health and functional medicine. I finally found healing and was able to eliminate every single symptom.

Now, as a board certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Coach, I help other women achieve the health healing in a fraction of the time it took me.

Tell me if this is you:

You're tired of trying various quick fixes (you know – the "solutions" that don't actually fix anything) and you're ready to heal using food, movement, and functional medicine practices?

You're sick of trying every single bloat-busting workout, supplement, and cleanse because none of it creates a lasting result?

You're ready to do a deep dive to actually get to the root cause of what is causing so much discomfort with your body?

You're ready to commit to yourself and your body for lifelong, sustainable health?

If so, then the Gut Health Roadmap is for you!

Over the course of 16 weeks, we will:



We start with HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) testing to determine where you are with a variety of markers. Our first conversation will be a more thorough discussion than you’re used to with a health professional. Our goal is to get the full picture of your health as it is right now. I want to know about your nutrition, movement, exercise, sleep, stress-relieving activities (or lack of), sunlight, fresh air, what you do for fun and connection, and how you love yourself.



From there, l'll recommend products, solutions, nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. Further functional labs may be recommended during our time together as well. All recommendations are geared toward your specific health desires and are based on where your body is right now, rather than a blanket solution. Together, we will come up with a specific plan to help you reach your health and healing goals. I will also keep your specific lifestyle in mind to ensure our recommendations aren’t just helpful, but supportive as well.



At this point, you’ll begin to recognize that those little “nothings” were “symptoms.” And “symptoms'' are always symptomatic of something deeper.  I like to call them check engine lights from our body. By digging into what was going on in your body and making adjustments for the better, you’ll start to experience improvements, and we’ll continue to adapt and adjust your plan to keep you on the path towards whole body health and healing.

Here's what clients are saying:

"This program was honestly life-changing for me. After feeling so bad for so long, and experiencing painful constipation and gas, I had lost hope that I would ever feel truly healthy, especially after feeling so unheard by medical doctors.  I feel like I have so much knowledge and more control over my life now." -Devon

Here's everything you'll get to optimize your healing journey:

  • 1 Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

  • 1 initial consult (60 minutes)

  • Two monthly follow-up calls

  • Access to other functional labs as needed 

  • Supportive educational modules and guides

  • Recipes and meal ideas suited for you and your dietary needs

  • Full interpretation of HTMA with video recording walking you through the results 

  • Personalized protocols including supplements, exercise, and nutrition guidance

  • Unlimited communication for the duration of the 16 weeks

If you believe...

...that you CAN feel better.

...that you are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve true health.

...that investing in your own health and healing is worth it.

Then the Gut Health Roadmap is what you've been looking for.

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